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There is a draft budget for 2025

MedExpress Team

Published Aug. 29, 2024 15:42

There is a draft budget for 2025 - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The government on Wednesday approved the draft budget for 2025. It will now go to the Social Dialogue Council. We will spend PLN 222.2 billion on health next year, according to the plan. This is 600 million more than the 7 percent of GDP minimum stipulated in the law. - Only PLN 600 million more, experts comment.

According to the law, in 2025 we are to spend a minimum of 6.5 percent of GDP from two years ago - and that's what it will be, or even a little more. 600 million zlotys, as this is the "cap" planned by the Minister of Finance, is an almost imperceptible amount in the scale of the entire health budget, although in health care every zloty is worth its weight in gold. Th...

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