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Katarzyna Sójka: The voice of patients is most important to me

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Aug. 21, 2023 09:32

Katarzyna Sójka: The voice of patients is most important to me - Header image
fot. MZ
- The position of the patient in the health care system is crucial and must be strengthened, Health Minister Katherine Sójka said during a meeting with organizations representing patients on Friday. The meeting with the Council of Patients' Organizations under the Minister of Health and the Council of Patients' Organizations under the Patients' Ombudsman was the first official meeting of the new head of the Health Ministry.

"In my professional work (as a doctor - ed. note), the most important thing is to be guided by the welfare of patients. The voice of the patients, which was represented by the Councils, is the most important...

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