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A macabre "prank". Nails and razor blades in candy

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Nov. 4, 2024 13:24

A macabre "prank". Nails and razor blades in candy - Header image
fot. Piotr Wójcik
Nails, needles, razor blades - candies with such additives were distributed to children playing on Halloween across Poland by as yet unidentified perpetrators. Doctors are outraged and are speaking out about the dangers of ingesting candy with such additives.

For years now, opponents of celebrating Halloween have been coming up with all sorts of ideas on how to disgust children with this pagan and, according to some who are more ardent in their beliefs, even satanic holiday. In addition to the standard repertoire of behavior, such as more or less p...

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