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Marzena Okła-Drewnowicz: up to PLN 2,000 will be worth vouchers for seniors. It is also necessary to revise the list of free medicines

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Jan. 19, 2024 09:18

Marzena Okła-Drewnowicz: up to PLN 2,000 will be worth vouchers for seniors. It is also necessary to revise the list of free medicines - Header image
fot. KPRM
- We should strive to ensure that people over 65 have all medicines for free," Marzena Okla Drewnowicz, Minister of Senior Citizens' Policy, told Radio ZET in an interview. - Now, however, it is necessary to review the drug basket that is there, so that there is not a certain fiction. We know that there are free drugs that are less effective and of an old generation," she added. The minister announced that the voucher for seniors is to be worth up to about 2,000 zlotys. It will be convertible into care at the place of residence.

- Newer generation drugs, which are more effective, are also more expensive. I believe that the new health minister will review and the relevant proposals on her part will certainly be there," said Marzena Okla-Drewnowicz.

As the minister reminded, a senior citizen is considered a person ov...

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