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Michal Sutkowski new president of the College of Family Physicians

MedExpress Team

Published June 14, 2024 10:30

Michal Sutkowski new president of the College of Family Physicians - Header image
Fot. MedExpress TV
The 22nd Congress of Family Medicine is underway in Warsaw. KLRwP's General Assembly of Delegates has elected a president for the 2026-2030 term.

Dr. Michal Sutkowski is a specialist in internal medicine and family medicine. He worked in the Departments of Neonatology, Pediatrics, Internal Medicine at the Western Mazovia Health Center and WUM Clinic until 2012. Within the framework of Individual Specialized Medical Practice at the place of call "Family" since 2010, he cooperated with Academic Medical Center ACM, CM Damian, CM ENEL - MED, CM MML. Since 1989 he has been working as a doctor in Primary Health Care, currently as dir...

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