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Health money 2025: an even bigger disaster?

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 11, 2024 18:09

Health money 2025: an even bigger disaster? - Header image
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The Sejm did not support the Law and Justice Party's motion to reject the draft budget for 2025 in the first reading and referred it to work in parliamentary committees. The committees are to take a position by the end of October, while the Public Finance Committee has until November 22 to prepare a report. The coalition is crackling, with the Together party failing to support the draft - among other issues, money for health care.

The Together Party did not enter the government, although it remains part of the parliamentary coalition supporting the government - but it did not support the draft of the most important government bill of each year. Already on Thursday, both during the first reading of the budget bill and during the discussion of the Health Ministry's information on the current financial situation in health care, politicians from the Left - especially the Together party - stressed their distance from government policy.

What money can the health system count on next year? Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski assured that outlays will increase significantly. - Today...

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