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The new health minister is Ewa Krajewska

MedExpress Team

Published Nov. 27, 2023 20:52

The new health minister is Ewa Krajewska - Header image
Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki's third government was sworn in at the Presidential Palace on Monday. According to parliamentary arithmetic, it will complete its mission in two weeks at the latest, failing to win a vote of confidence.

Women are in the majority in the new government - representatives of the coalition of democratic parties have already managed to comment that the Law and Justice Party recalled women when it needed a willingness to give a face to defeat, since women were scarce in previous governments. One of the women who swore allegiance to the provisions of the Constitution and other laws of the Republic on Monday is Ewa Krajewska, until now Chief Pharmaceutical Inspector.

Ewa Krajewska hol...

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