The law on minimum wages is waiting for the decision of the Sejm, which will deal with the Senate amendments next week. And he will probably reject them, because - as estimated by the Ministry of Health - their entry into force, especially the one that increased all the coefficients in the table of occupational groups by 0.25 points, would cost another PLN 7 billion. Meanwhile, directors of hospitals and other institutions are worried about the money to pay raises, even in the lower, government-parliamentary version.
About the fact that hospitals not only do not have the money to pay the pay raises from July 1, but most of all - they are not sure that they will receive it on time, and they will have to face the double problem of calculating wages in July, i.e. first of all statutory increases in the minimum wage, secondly, tax changes, the media have been reporting for a long time. The dramatic appeals of long-term care facilities have also resounded in recent days - bo...
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