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OZZL wants to introduce new minimum employment standards for specialist doctors

MedExpress Team

Published Sept. 17, 2024 11:07

OZZL wants to introduce new minimum employment standards for specialist doctors - Header image
The National Union of Physicians is taking further steps to introduce standards for minimum employment of specialist physicians in public medical institutions. The aim of these measures is to guarantee a minimum level of specialist medical care security per number of patients, rather than per number of beds, as is currently practiced.

On Monday, September 16, a meeting was held on the issue of employment norms for contracted physicians in public health care entities. At the moment, only contracting norms are in effect, which presuppose the employment of two full-time specialist physicians (with the exception of anesthesiologists) as a condition for obtaining a contract with the National Health Fund (NHF). This number of doctors is insufficient to ensure continuity of medical care, training of residents, filing of records or securing on-call duties. As a result, many doctors are for...

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