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PLN 9.25 billion more for health services. Where's the catch?

MedExpress Team


Published March 18, 2022 12:51

PLN 9.25 billion more for health services. Where's the catch? - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
Next week, the Health Commission will deal with the amendment of the financial plan of the National Health Fund for 2022. There will be more money for health services - by over PLN 9 billion.

At the moment, PLN 105bn is planned for benefits, so the increase is significant. Where does the money come from? Firstly, from the Polish Order, and more specifically - from the change in the rules of paying contributions by people running a business. Second, the changes in macroeconomic indicators. The financial plan of the National Health Fund was adopted in July and did not take into account any adjustments of indicators or funda...

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