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POZ: Coordinated care for the medal

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 11, 2024 17:09

POZ: Coordinated care for the medal - Header image
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Patients who use coordinated care are not only satisfied, but actually delighted with the services offered, is the conclusion of a study presented on Friday, conducted by the We Patients Foundation. The coordinated care model has been in development for two years, and half of the patient population and nearly 40 percent of providers are already within its scope.

The survey that was conducted is not representative, but the sample - about a thousand people - allows for hard conclusions. In turn, these are almost 100 percent positive for the coordinated care model. Patients suffering from chronic cardiovascular, diabetes, endocrinology, pulmonology and nephrology diseases - that is, those that can be managed by PCPs under coordinated care - give the lion's share not only good, but even the best ratings.

- The survey enrolled 907 people who answered affirmatively to the first question about whether they were covered by an individual medical care plan. We asked whether the patients' needs were taken into account when setting up ...

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