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POZ: the government wants to applaud the sovereign. It is about examining patients over 60 years of age

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 27, 2022 08:34

POZ: the government wants to applaud the sovereign. It is about examining patients over 60 years of age - Header image
Fot. MedExpress TV
For almost a week, primary care physicians have been criticizing the principle introduced by the Ministry of Health, which gives them 48 hours to directly examine patients over 60 who have been confirmed with COVID-19. The rule entered into force on January 25.

- There are no studies that confirm the effectiveness of this method of preventing severe COVID-19. Often, coronavirus infection does not develop until the fourth or fifth day. Testing within 48 hours of all patients, also asymptomatic, feeling well after the age of 60 only because they have a positive test result does not make sense - argued Jacek Krajewski, president of the Zielona Góra Agreement at the Wednesday press conference. - During this time, we will not accept many other non-covid patients, including those with chronic diseases. We will make up for this dramatic health debt for years, he said.

In his opinion, with the administr...

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