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The Diet will deal with nurses' salaries. Also in session the issue of the Children's Ombudsman and the commission against pedophilia

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Nov. 23, 2023 14:49

The Diet will deal with nurses' salaries. Also in session the issue of the Children's Ombudsman and the commission against pedophilia - Header image
fot. screenshot | YouTube: Sejm RP
The first reading of a civic bill on raises for the nursing community and other medical workers has been scheduled for next week's Diet session. There will also be an Ombudsman for Children's Rights and a member of the State Commission for the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation of Minors under 15.

- Yesterday, a bill on financing the IVF procedure was being processed in the Sejm. We were not able to send it back to committee, because a motion was made to reject the project, which we must vote on. If it is dismissed, the bill w...

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