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Senate will amend "quality" laws

MedExpress Team


Published June 29, 2023 17:14

Senate will amend "quality" laws - Header image
The accreditation process should be substantive, not political. Meanwhile, the composition of the Accreditation Council, as designed in the Law on Quality in Health Care and Patient Safety, indicates that it will be a highly politicized body, one of the accusations made during Wednesday's meeting of the Senate Health Committee against the law passed by the Parliament.

On Wednesday, senators dealt with two laws passed by the Sejm - the Law on Quality and an amendment to the Law on Patients' Rights and Patients' Ombudsman. They form a "quality" package that Health Minister Adam Niedzielski is keen on. And although Senate legislators upheld charges of unconstitutionality to both the Quality Act and the amendment to the Patients' Rights Act, introducing the Medical Events Compensation Fund, everything indicates that this time there will be no Senate veto. There will, however, be, it can be expected, numerous amendments - to both laws.

During the discussion of the Law on Quality in Health Care, it was raised that the authorization proce...

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