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The burning issue: What is the anti-smoking policy?

MedExpress Team

Published July 26, 2024 08:02

The burning issue: What is the anti-smoking policy? - Header image
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The RPO transmits to the Prime Minister the demands of experts and social organizations on the measures the state should take to reduce the social effects of addiction to nicotine products 

On May 22, 2024, the Ombudsman for Human Rights (Ombudsman) in cooperation with NGOs, in particular the Brain Disease Foundation, organized a seminar entitled "Smoking problem - smoking addiction and challenges for anti-smoking policy." The meeting was aimed at discussing the effects of nicotine addiction and proposed measures to reduce this problem in Poland.

The RPO pointed to the lack of a long-term and consistent anti-smoking policy in Poland, which contributes to the high number of deaths related to tobacco-related diseases - about 83,000 people a year, equivalent to the population of a city the size of Jelenia Gora. Statistics show that 28.8% of Poles smoke daily, and this number is growing, especially among children and adolescen...

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