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Health ministry's successes after ten months in government

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 22, 2024 08:02

Health ministry's successes after ten months in government - Header image
The IVF program, prenatal testing, increasing the availability of perinatal anesthesia and implementing the National Cancer Network are the biggest and real successes of her ministry over the ten months in government, according to the health minister. The financial situation is challenging, but, she said, she has not been able to convince the government and the prime minister to increase the health premium.

The occasion for summaries and discussions was the opening session of the 20th Health Market Forum, which was attended in full by the health ministry leadership. Izabela Leszczyna was asked, among other things, whether, with her current knowledge, she would give up some of the "health specifics" that were on her party's list of election promises. She answered that she would not - but perhaps she would word some differently. At the same time, she assured that "12 concretes, including 11 strictly health concretes and one on the KPO are implemented." A concrete that could be reformulated is, of course, "the ab...

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