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Summer wave of COVID in Poland. The number of infections is increasing

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Aug. 19, 2024 09:53

Summer wave of COVID in Poland. The number of infections is increasing - Header image
Fot. iStock/Getty Images
More than 1,100 confirmed COVID-19 infections were recorded in Poland last Saturday. A week earlier the number was more than 700, and on August 2 it was more than 460. Doctors have no doubt that we are dealing with a summer wave of COVID-19 - This is not surprising. Already in June we predicted that there would be a summer wave and we talked about preparing for this moment, because a new strain is starting to circulate, our immunity is declining after the last wave and we don't have vaccinations," Dr. Pawel Grzesiowski, Chief Sanitary Inspector, told TVN24 in an interview.

As Dr. Pawel Grzesiowski pointed out, in assessing the scale of the problem, we can rely on three different sets of data.

- The first are those that go into the health care system. These are either reported by doctors, or test results are reported by laboratories, and based on this we can say that there are more sick people," he said in an interview.

However, the number of confirmed cases is severely underestimated relative to ...

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