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The beginning of the end of the epidemic? Big changes to restrictions

MedExpress Team


Published Feb. 9, 2022 15:18

The beginning of the end of the epidemic? Big changes to restrictions - Header image
Shortening the isolation to seven days, lifting quarantine from contact, faster return to full-time education in schools - these are only some of the decisions announced on Wednesday by the minister of health and the minister of national education and science. Adam Niedzielski has no doubts - the apogee of the fifth wave is behind us.

What speaks for the fact that the trend has finally broken? According to the minister of health, it is mainly the decreasing number of infections, the number of tests performed and the number of orders from primary care physicians, which is shrinking for the second week. - In the fifth wave, the increases in infections were dynamic and the decreases also fulfill such a scenario, reaching 20%. February will be the month when these declines in infections should be relatively large and the serious threat to the healthcare system will be exhausted. I hope that in March we will be able to make bold decisions about lifting the restrictions ...

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