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The health of women and men requires separate attention

MedExpress Team


Published July 7, 2022 09:54

The health of women and men requires separate attention - Header image
While women in the UK live longer than men on average, they spend most of their lives in poor health or with disabilities. How the health care system should approach women's health, Tiffany Sadler, the British ambassador to Slovenia and the regional representative of the health care and life science campaign, spoke at the Women's Health Congress.

In opening her speech, Tiffany Sadler recalled Florence Nightingale, an English nurse, social activist and journalist considered to be the founder of modern nursing. - She was famous for being human and caring for others. She was the first to emphasize the importance of good nursing care. She was also interested in statistics, she believed that in health care one should rely on data analysis. It also paved the way for a career for women in the healthcare sector. It is worth mentioning here, for example, Sarah Gilbert, who developed the Oxford C...

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