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The ministerial team will develop changes in the standards of educating doctors

MedExpress Team


Published March 15, 2022 13:45

The ministerial team will develop changes in the standards of educating doctors - Header image
In Journal of Laws The Ministry of Health published the Regulation of the Minister of Health of March 15, 2022 on the establishment of the Team for the continuation of work on the development of proposals for changes in the training standards preparing for the profession of a doctor and dentist.

The team continues the work of the Team for the development of proposals for changes in the education standards preparing for the profession of a doctor and dentist, in particular, it uses the solutions already developed and decisions made.

The team consists of:

1) Chairman - Piotr Bromber, Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Health;

2) Deputy chairman - Wojciech Murdzek, secretary of state in the Ministry of Education and Science;

3) members:

a) Małgorzata Zadrożna, director of the Department of Medical Personnel Development at the Ministry of Health,

b) Marcin Czaja, director of the Department of Higher Education in the Ministry of Education and Science,

c) Magdal...

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