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The Sejm rejected lex Kaczyński. The PiS club broke

MedExpress Team


Published Feb. 2, 2022 08:12

The Sejm rejected lex Kaczyński. The PiS club broke - Header image
Fot. MedExpress TV
First, PiS lost the vote in the Health Committee, which recommended the Sejm on Tuesday to reject the bill by Lex Kaczyński, and a little over an hour later, in a spectacular fashion - at a plenary session, where 253 deputies voted against the bill, against - 152 deputies, abstained from voting 37 members.

Work on the project started on Monday, but was quickly completed as government representatives were not present at the meeting of the Health Committee. On Tuesday, Deputy Minister Piotr Bromber (previously tested for infection after Waldemar Kraska and Adam Niedzielski's security officers had a positive result) showed up.

The meeting of the Health Committee started at 15.00 and the opposition lost the vote for another postponement with one vote - the result was 20:20 by the ...

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