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There will be no tubes and sachets of alcohol

MedExpress Team

Published Oct. 2, 2024 12:16

There will be no tubes and sachets of alcohol - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The career of "alcotubes" ended before it began. After a two-day storm, the manufacturer, which had launched (some time ago) colorful sachets of liquor and vodka, apologized, announcing that it would withdraw the products and halt production. There are many indications that one company's false step will be felt by the entire industry, as politicians have begun to speak out about the need to standardize packaging.

On Monday, it was reported in the media that a product, already announced earlier, had appeared in some retail chains, namely (high-proof) alcohol in sachets. However, the fact that sachets or tubes, vividly resembling colorful packages of mousses and desserts for children (by the way, the company that decided on this "innovative" step is also a manufacturer of assortments aimed at the youngest, precisely mousses and desserts) caused astonishment ...

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