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"Insufficient" in the physical activity of children and adolescents

MedExpress Team

Piotr Wójcik

Published Nov. 9, 2022 11:24

"Insufficient" in the physical activity of children and adolescents - Header image
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The level of physical activity of Polish children is dramatically low, according to research under the fourth edition of the international project "Active Healthy Kids". The "report on the state of physical activity of children and adolescents in Poland" was published.

A group of researchers, bringing together scientists related to universities and experts from the Institute of Mother and Child, assessed ten areas related to the physical activity of children and adolescents in Poland on the basis of the best available data. The areas are presented on a school scale, where "1" is the lowest grade, and "5+" - the highest. The overall physical activity of Polish children and adolescents was assessed at 1. Only 16.8 percent. people in the study are moderately or heavily physically active for at least 60 minutes a day, seven days a week.

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