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Multidisciplinary orbital reconstructive surgery

MedExpress Team


Published April 12, 2023 11:58

Multidisciplinary orbital reconstructive surgery - Header image
The Independent Public Clinical Hospital No. 4 in Lublin performs interdisciplinary procedures using plastic, reconstructive and microsurgery. Among other things, an advanced multidisciplinary operation was recently performed on a patient with orbital cancer.

The operation was performed on a 31-year-old female patient with neurofibromatosis. Due to the disease, the patient had been operated on several times in her childhood. In recent years, she was under the care of the Neurosurgical Outpatient Clinic of SPSK No. 4 in Lublin.

- Normally, during medical procedures performed in the Clinical Department of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Neurosurgery , it is not necessary to perform skin pl ication at the same time, i.e. a transplant from another part of the patient ' s body. In this particular case, the tumor grew from the orbit and spread into the facial skin and subcutaneous tissue , deforming the face. Due to the size of the tumor, the operation involved removing about 30 percent of the patient 's face. Removal of the tumor without simultaneous reconstruction of such a large defect would have been impossible. Therefore, in this case we planned to perform a multidiscipli...

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