- For the user of this solution, everything seems to be very simple. One has to send to the computer system images of microorganisms taken under the microscope. In response, the system generates a report with a list of specific species of bacteria or fungi that are present in the examined material. The whole operation takes no more than a minute," explains Bartosz Zieliński, Ph.D., professor at the Jagiellonian University's Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics.
Detect microorganisms in seconds
What seems simple on the part of the system operator is much more complex on the part of the technology required to run such a solution. And behind it are, among other things, deep neural networks and the nearly decade-long results of interdisciplinary research work carried out under the direction of Prof. Monika Brzychczy-Włoch, PhD, head of the Department of Molecular Medical Microbiology at the Jagiellonian University, and Bartosz Zielinski, PhD, Prof. of the Jagiellonian University, from the Institute of Computer Science and Computer Mathematics at the Jagiellonian University.
- It all started with an idea thrown around a few years ago to try to bring together a team of computer scientists and microbiologists. We a...
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