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National Transplantation Day

A record year for Polish transplantology

MedExpress Team


Published Jan. 26, 2025 07:16

A record year for Polish transplantology - Header image
Fot. Getty Images/iStockphoto
The year 2024 was another record year for Polish transplantology, with 2197 organs transplanted. Most were transplanted kidneys from deceased donors (1132), while livers (615), hearts (201) and lungs (147) were also transplanted. Expenditures for transplantation also increased significantly, by more than 40 percent.

January 26 is National Transplantation Day - on this day in 1966 the first successful kidney transplant was performed. To mark the occasion, on Friday, January 24, Health Minister Izabela Leszczyna visited Warsaw Medical University - WUM's University Clinical Center is the largest transplant center in Poland. Leszczyna thanked all doctors who save people's lives through transplants. She also thanked the coordinators "who are the good spirits of this complicated process, when we can no longer save the life of one person, but can save the life of others." She mentioned families who, by agreeing to donate the organs of a dying loved one, choose to save the lives of others they do not kno...

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