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The new drug combination is effective in patients with advanced ovarian cancer

MedExpress Team

Wojciech Laska

Published Feb. 15, 2022 15:15

The new drug combination is effective in patients with advanced ovarian cancer - Header image
Fot. MedExpress TV
New research shows that ixabepilone together with bevacizumab (IXA + BEV) is a well-tolerated, effective combination in the treatment of platinum-resistant ovarian cancer / taxanes. The use of the combination IXA + BEV gave better results in both progression-free time and overall survival than using only ixabepilone

A study by scientists from the Yale Cancer Center and the University of Maryland Comprehensive Cancer Center shows that ixabepilone together with bevacizumab (IXA + BEV) is a well-tolerated, effective combination in the treatment of ovarian cancer platinum/taxane resistant, giving better therapeutic effects than with the use of ixabepilone alone. The results indicate that using the combination can significantly extend both progression-free and overall survival. The results were published in British Journal of Cancer .

"New approaches to recurrent ovarian cancer are very much need...

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