More than PLN 1.8 billion will be allocated in 2023 to standardize the employment of psychologists, educators, speech therapists, pedagogical therapists and special educators in mainstream schools, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki announced during a press conference at the School and...
“This year has started with very good news for us. This is what we have been striving for for many years. The Ministry of Health has lifted restrictions on the duration of biological therapy. Until now, patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease could receive treatment for one or two...
– This year will go down in the history of Polish diabetology as a breakthrough year. Lots of good things happened. We are experiencing a revolution when it comes to the concept of treatment and access to new drugs. From May to September, the Ministry of Health made decisions extending the...
Consideration of information on employees' salaries in health care and the valuation of benefits - presented by the Minister of Health.
Opinion on the draft amendment to the financial plan of the National Health Fund for 2022.
1.NMOSD - a rare and serious disease, is there any chance of reimbursed treatment? 2. Highly effective therapies in the treatment of MS. 3. The role of a nurse in caring for a patient with MS - recommended systemic changes.
Including giving an opinion for the Marshal of the Sejm - pursuant to Art. 34 sec. 8 of the Sejm's regulations - the parliamentary draft act on the profession of psychologist and professional self-government of psychologists with a self-amendment (representative of the applicants, MP Agnieszka...
Legal gaps in the access of minors to psychological care.
Warsaw Genomics and Rakiety Oncology Foundation have launched a helpline for oncological patients from Ukraine - but its operation is much wider.
Information on the diagnosis and treatment of chronic kidney diseases - presented by the Minister of Health.
Meeting of joint teams: Parliamentary for Children, Transplantation and Senate - Health of Poles on "Pre-exposure prophylaxis of Evusheld for patients who have not developed an immune response to the covid-19 vaccine" and "Primary Healthcare and Night and Christmas Healthcare - current problems...
The guest of Medexpress is Ewa Woydyłło-Osiatyńska, doctor of psychology, addiction therapist. We are talking about how to deal with the emotions that are evoked in us by the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Medics, as well as students of medical faculties from Poland and Ukraine, developed the Ukrainian version of medical interview forms. Ready documents to be filled in can be downloaded from the website of the Polish Society of Family Medicine.
Consideration of information on the financial situation of hospitals in 2022, including increases for gas and electricity - presented by the Minister of Health and the President of the National Health Fund.
Consider information on the haemophilia care system - presents the Minister of Health.
Research on amantadine conducted by the team of prof. Konrad Rejdak are at the halfway point. "About 500 people in the most difficult pandemic period were consulted and sought medical help. It happened regardless of the clinical trial. We did it in the sense of the mission [...] We are glad that,...
The conference will be devoted to the current dec. resulting from the epidemic situation in the country.
What awaits us after the omicron, in the context of its disease and the ongoing pandemic, told us Dr. hab. n. med. Tomasz Dzieciatkowski, assistant professor at the Chair and Department of Medical Microbiology at the Medical University of Warsaw.
Consideration of the government bill on medical devices (form no. 1764) - continuation.
Consideration of the government document: Information on the completed or undertaken tasks in the field of mental health in 2017 and 2018 under the National Mental Health Program for 2017-2022 (form no. 67) - presented by the Minister of Health. Consideration of the government document:...
Consideration of information on the perspective of innovative medical technologies in Polish cardiology - presents the Minister of Health.
Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen signed a law on compulsory vaccination against Covid-19 on Friday. In Poland, from March 1, a regulation comes into force, imposing such an obligation on medics. Are you in favor of such a solution? Should immunization against Covid-19 be compulsory?...
Information on proposed solutions to protect the health of students, researchers and administrative staff during a pandemic.
Consideration of the government bill on medical devices - continuation.
Consideration of information on the activities of the ministry in the field of health safety of Poles in the COVID-19 pandemic - presents the Minister of Health.
The first reading of the MP's bill amending the act amending the act on preventing and combating infections and infectious diseases in humans and the act amending the act - Law on higher education and science and some other acts (print no. 1948) - justifies MP Violetta Porowska.
- The pandemic affects all of us. We get sick, our loved ones get sick. We must submit to numerous limitations every day. I also have experience with this disease. I am convinced that the administration of three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine had an impact on the mild course of the infection, says...
Including Consideration of the response of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development to desideratum No. 104 addressed to the Prime Minister on updating the provisions of certain acts. Consideration of a petition to repeal Art. 18 of the Act of April 24, 2009...
The conference will take place after the crisis headquarters.
Poland, next to Hungary and Romania, is the country where the fewest people in the EU declare quitting smoking. This is a huge challenge for public health, emphasized the participants of the Medexpress debate. - Poor countries with lower levels of education have the biggest problem with this...
Consideration of the draft work plan of the Commission for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2022 - presents the President of the Commission.
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