Przed niespełna tygodniem Ministerstwo Zdrowia przedstawiało, podczas posiedzenia sejmowej Komisji Zdrowia, plany zmian w systemie Państwowego Ratownictwa Medycznego. Mówiono, między innymi, o dwuosobowych zespołach RM. Pojawił się też, wywołany przez posłów, temat bezpieczeństwa – ale raczej na...
Poles are protesting against "health education," thundered one of the publications associated with the right-wing mainstream on Sunday. Poles, or more specifically in this case, participants in a demonstration in Warsaw's Castle Square, which was also attended by Karol Nawrocki, the PiS civic...
Parliament's passage of legislation lowering health premiums for entrepreneurs is almost a foregone conclusion. Will they be signed by the president? Here, the matter is already much more complicated and, at the very least, uncertain (as of today, it can be assumed that Andrzej Duda could be...
The government, contrary to last week's announcements, will not take up the draft amendment to the Law on Health Benefits, which assumes changes in hospitality. When on November 5 the item - extremely important, even fundamental - was not on the agenda of the Council of Ministers (despite the...
Prime Minister Donald Tusk assures that he is the last person who would look into anyone's pocket and will remove from the government anyone who tried to do so. However, the topic of doctors' salaries - and, in fact, the contracts they enter into with hospitals - will not be off the agenda for a...
The vaccination machine has started, as usual - sluggishly. Since Friday, you can be vaccinated against COVID-19 with an mRNA preparation adapted to the new variants. To "choose" we have only Moderna, unless someone wants to pay - he can use the commercial Pfizer (price of the vaccine not...
The Health Committee will address on Tuesday the financial situation of the National Health Fund and the prospect of the payer settling its obligations for excess and unlimited services. It's hardly surprising, as anxiety on the part of healthcare providers has begun to grow compulsively in...
W poniedziałkowym posiedzeniu Zespołu Trójstronnego ds. Ochrony Zdrowia miała wziąć udział minister Izabela Leszczyna. Nie wzięła, z powodu obowiązków związanych z powodzią. Niewątpliwie kataklizm, jaki przeszedł przez południowo-zachodnią Polskę musi mieć priorytet, ale nie można zapominać, że...
Does the Health Minister want to test deliveries in ambulances? That's one of the questions raised during this session of the Sejm, specifically - during the deliberations of the Parliamentary Group on Local Government Hospitals, which on Wednesday dealt with plans for changes in hospitality. On...
The United States has released updated vaccines against COVID-19 - with concerns about a large wave of infections with new SARS-CoV-2 variants as a backdrop. A Covid wave is also sweeping through Europe, including Poland, with so little that we know almost nothing about it, at least in our...
So many of my colleagues outside the government are speaking out about the premium that, frankly, I think that the Minister of Health should probably not enter into this discussion, which is absolutely journalistic and political," Izabela Leszczyna said on Wednesday morning, commenting on reports...
The Left will not let go of the abortion issue, the leaders of the smallest of the coalition partners declare. This is a reaction to Donald Tusk's declaration at the opening of the Campus Polska Przyszłości that there is no way in the current Sejm to carry out the legalization of abortion in the...
Immediately after the vacations, a bill on changes to the contribution from entrepreneurs is expected to reach the Sejm. Finance Minister Andrzej Domanski has already announced, in a framework, what might happen: the obligation to pay premiums on the sale of fixed assets (repeatedly cited, for...
Roman Giertych, one of the two Coalition Civic MPs punished by the Civic Coalition, whose lack of support for the law decriminalizing aiding and abetting abortion contributed to the failure to pass the bill, declares publicly (interview with that while he has not and will not change...
Doctors have no doubt: supervision of opioid prescriptions needs to be strengthened to reduce the risk of issuing them unnecessarily, or to put it bluntly, because it's probably high time to do so - for criminal purposes.
Shock and disbelief - that was the reaction of the medical community when senior officials of the science and health ministries announced last Thursday in the Sejm that the government wants to restore normalcy.
The government, judging from a reading of the Multiannual State Financial Plan adopted by the Council of Ministers a few days ago, does not foresee any acceleration in the growth of health care outlays, and since, as has been mentioned more than once, the growth in recent years has been quite...
Not a health benefit, not a pharmaceutical service, and the activity will be billed by the National Health Fund starting May 1. Reading the report on the public consultation of the draft regulation on the pilot program, under which women are to gain access to emergency contraception without the...
The Minister of Health is not elected to the European Parliament. Izabela Leszczyna has confirmed this in public statements for days, and there is not the slightest reason not to believe her.
The well of the government is over, the frenzy was not - certainly not in health care. But let's agree, this caesura is completely artificial, what can be done for a hundred days, especially when most of this time has to be spent firstly on learning the system, secondly - on defusing the...
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